Per Sale


Total Estimated Earnings

$20 - $100

Per Sale


Total Estimated Earnings

$40 - $100

Per Sale


Total Estimated Earnings

$150 - $500

Per Sale


Total Estimated Earnings


How Do You Become an Affiliate?

You can start earning money as an affiliate in just 3 easy steps:


Sign up

Register to become an affiliate in just minutes. Give us your deets and get ready to fill your wallet!


Promote Us

Share your affiliate links with your audience on your website, social media channels, and via email.


Earn Money

Start earning some dough via PayPal when your referrals sign up and stick with NiigmaHost for 45 days.

It’s Easy To Sell Hosting Packages

Award-winning Support

The NiigmaHost support team offers the best customer service 24/7.

Churn Rate Under 5%

Once a customer signs up for NiigmaHost hosting, they’re customers for life.

High Conversion Rate

It’s no surprise to us but when you refer customers to NiigmaHost, they’re definitely going to sign up.

Free Domain

No one else offers a free domain but that’s just one more reason for your referral to stick with NiigmaHost.

We’re Here to Help With Your Success

Dedicated Affiliate Managers, You Can Depend On

Our dedicated affiliate managers are always here to help with all of your questions. Driving you to succeed not only puts a smile on your face, but it also puts money in your pocket! That’s a win-win if you ask us.

Dedicated Managers

Tracking Tools

Promotion Materials

Take Your Conversions to the Next Level

Our dedicated affiliate managers are always here to answer all of your questions.

Get the Answers You Need

Dedicated affiliate managers are your exclusive point of contact to get the answers you need fast.

Personalized Advice

Your dedicated affiliate manager will help you to succeed with support, insight, and personalized advice to convert your customers.

Easy to Use Dashboard

Track all of your earnings and see stats in real-time

Long Cookie Duration

Just because your customers don’t convert immediately doesn’t mean you won’t score a commission. We provide 90-day cookie tracking to ensure you get paid when they convert.

The Most Accurate Affiliate Tracking on the Market

Our Affiliate platform provides you with custom affiliate tracking codes, direct link tracking, affiliate link styles, and more!

Capture Their Attention

We’ll provide you with the marketing materials to help you convert customers and put money in your pocket.

More Effective Visuals

You’ll have access to a wide variety of banners and promotional materials at your fingertips to use on your website and drive users to conversion.

Promote Through Multiple Channels

Once you join our affiliate program, you’ll have the ability to promote your links via social media, your website, email marketing, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to Work With Us?

We are happy to talk to you personally, or you can check out our plans and get started right away.

Ready to Make Money?

Get high commission instantly on every customer you refer. The more you refer the more you earn.