Take a look at our entire server stack

Site Performance

Slow websites are unpopular. Enjoy blazingly quick load times thanks to low-density servers, top-notch hardware, and numerous worldwide server locations.

To make your site load faster than ever, we employ cutting-edge technology such as the LiteSpeed Web Server, HTTP/3 protocol, and PHP 8. Additionally, we provide 100% SSD storage to improve the performance of your site.

LiteSpeed Web Server

Global Servers

SSD Storage

Fast built-in cache

LiteSpeed Cache is a comprehensive site acceleration solution with cutting-edge cache-management tools and optimization capabilities.

QUIC.cloud CDN

No matter where your visitors are located, when you use QUIC.cloud as the transfer protocol, it speeds up transmission for all of your website's.

Choose from Global Servers

Take advantage of a network with high performance, quick connectivity, and low latency to ensure that your pages load quickly for site visitors.

Global CDN Network

No matter where your site visitors are from, we've partnered with Cloudflare in over 200 cities to ensure that your site loads faster.

Fast SSD Tools.

We employ solid-state drives, in contrast to conventional hosting providers. Our enterprise-grade SSD drives give you up to 300% faster access to your databases and files.

Enhanced Reliability

SSDs can handle peak usage times better because they are more effective at handling read/write operations.


Even before they begin, we'll thwart web attacks. Our firewall policies, continuous, real-time server monitoring, and traffic encryption ensure that your website is never vulnerable to attacks.

2FA Authentication

Account Isolation

Advanced Firewall

Proactive Defense

Add an extra layer of security to keep your data and site secure.

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by adding a second step to the login process. Easily enable two-factor authentication in our client area or cPanel to create a barrier that prevents unauthorized access to your account. Without your smartphone, no one won’t be able to log in.

Prevent users from seeing each other

Our shared hosting servers use CageFS, a virtual filesystem that completely isolates each user's data and processes in a CloudLinux dedicated virtual environment. This helps improve server performance, stability, and security.

Stop attacks before they even happen with Immunify360.

Imunify360 uses a multi-layer approach to protect against malicious attacks and abnormal behavior, including distributed brute-force attacks. Imunify360 offers advanced firewall protection that uses cloud heuristics and artificial intelligence to detect new threats and protect your server.

Forget about malware. It’s not going to happen.

Our unique Proactive Defense technology detects and blocks malicious execution flow in runtime. It analyzes the PHP script behavior and and stops it before it has a chance to harm your website.


We’re always watching out for your site to ensure it’s fast and reliable with proactive monitoring and a premium DNS provider that keeps your site online and running 24/7.

Cloud Infrastructure

DDoS protection

24/7 Proactive Monitoring

Premium DNS

Your data is always safe.

Information hosted in the cloud is always protected against failure by distributing server data across redundant servers.

Advanced DDoS Protection

NiigmaHost’s global network is protected by advanced DDoS mitigation in all of our data centers, helping to fend off attacks on your website. Free for all customers.

Real-Time Network Protection

Detect, analyze, and block attacks on your website in real-time. Attacks are blocked inline, then redistributed across data center’s global fiber backbone.

Server health monitored in realtime

Complete peace of mind with around-the-clock proactive server monitoring. Our team of highly experienced system administrators is watching over our platform 24/7 and ready to act when any issue is detected.

Keep your business running

Using redundant nameservers with multiple DNS providers as a failover, you’ll no longer risk losing out on visitors. PremiumDNS keeps your website safe and always available.

Faster DNS performance

Be confident your website loads fast – no matter the location of your visitors. Our PremiumDNS network is distributed across North America, Europe, and Asia for increased performance and reliability.

Email Protection

Your email is always protected thanks to our anti-spam services and SSL encryption. What’s more, your emails will always land in your customer’s inbox.

Spam Filtering

High E-mail Delivery

Secure E-mail Connection

No one likes spam. Identify, sort, and delete unsolicited emails.

With our advanced spam filters, you’ll be able to process and mark new emails as spam, adjust the Spam Threshold Score, auto-delete spam, and configure whitelist and blacklist settings.

Our anti-spam service identifies spammers and helps protect your email reputation and deliverability.

We’ve partnered with MailChannels to ensure your email is always delivered to your customers’ inbox. Using sophisticated algorithms and machine learning, we’ll spot spam-like trends and a stream of outgoing email coming from mail servers and stop it in its tracks.

Ensure your email connection is secure over an SSL. Free of charge.

Sending email with SSL encryption prevents third parties from deciphering the content and keeping your data safe and secure from the prying eyes of bad actors.

Web Development Features

At NiigmaHost, your account comes packed with the latest versions of the most popular developer software. We've listed the most popular tools below including PHP, MySQL, Staging, and GIT.

Multiple PHP Versions



Choose from a variety of PHP versions in cPanel.

Manage and change the PHP version in cPanel with only a few clicks. Switch to a different version of PHP at any time.

Enjoy one of the most popular open-source relational databases.

MariaDB offers tight security measures to prevent hacking and provides incredible site performance for loading speeds. And rest assured that if you need support, you’re in good hands.

Create a staging website to test changes to your site without affecting your production website.

It’s easy to test and deploy changes to your site without your audience ever knowing with our website Staging tool.